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Luis García, nominated for fund manager of the year

Sep 16, 2021

Redacción Mapfre

Redacción Mapfre

Luis García (MAPFRE AM) has been nominated for manager of the year by Rankia. The economic-financial company has recognized his great work in 2021, which can be seen in the good results obtained by the MAPFRE AM Behavioral Fund, set to celebrate its third anniversary this Monday. The European equity fund has a rate of return of 45% over the last twelve months and 23% so far this year.

The MAPFRE AM Behavioral Fund is an investment fund based on Behavioral Economics, whose main objective is to exploit the inefficiencies caused by the behavior of market participants. Additionally, it has the particular characteristic of dedicating around 25% of its portfolio to companies related to sports and 10% to soccer teams “with healthy balance sheets, well managed and with a correct allocation of capital.”

The Group’s asset manager also hosts the La Bolsa de Deporte podcast, where he interviews stars from the world of sports to discuss economics and investment. On Monday, a new episode of the program will be made available on the main platforms.

Luis García is also co-director of the Executive Program in Value Investing and Behavioral Finance at ICADE Business School. He holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and a master’s degree in Economics and Finance from CEMFI. In 2013 he obtained the CFA financial analyst certification.

Voting is open as of today and will run for one month. You can participate by clicking on the following link: https://rankiapro.typeform.com/to/XVaDXp6W

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