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MAPFRE AM is the Spanish insurance industry’s top asset manager

Nov 15, 2022

Redacción Mapfre

Redacción Mapfre

MAPFRE AM has become the Spanish insurance industry’s top asset manager, according to the latest ranking published by Funds People, which is created using data from the Association of Collective Investment Institutions and Pension Funds (Inverco). The group’s manager controls nearly 40% of the 24.62 billion euros that national firms have in funds, pension plans, voluntary pension plan providers (EPSV), SICAV, and UCITS vehicles in Luxembourg, which comes up to 9.66 billion.

Mutua Madrileña came in after MAPFRE AM with 9.25 billion; followed by Santalucía, with 3.34 billion, GCO Gestión de Activos, with 1.36 billion; Gesnorte, with 604 million; and Loreto Inversiones, with 401 million. As Álvaro Anguita, the asset manager's CEO explained to Funds People, the company has kept moving forward, “becoming Spain’s largest independent asset manager, with nearly 40 billion euros under its management,” a figure that takes the group’s discretionary management contracts into account. It has two main objectives: contributing to the group's financial results (through portfolio management), “which ensures financial returns that, among other things, enable us to contribute to the dividends we distribute every year”; and managing pension funds and plans “with the aim of providing our customers with a professional management service for savings and investment products, aligned with the criteria we apply to manage our own portfolios, which is known as co-investment.”

In addition, MAPFRE demonstrates a clear commitment to the ESG criteria: in 2017, the manager gained control of 25% of La Financière Responsable (LFR)'s capital, a French boutique with more than 10 years of experience in sustainable investment; in 2020, it received the SRI Label, a prestigious European label awarded by the French Ministry of Finance, becoming the first Spanish manager to receive it. More recently, the Group has once again been included (for the 16th consecutive year) in the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) 4Good sustainability index, scoring 20% higher than average in the insurance industry.

MAPFRE AM has more than 30 years of history in asset management. It thus has a wide array of funds across all categories, including MAPFRE Inclusión Responsable, which invests in companies that commit to including job positions for people with disabilities, and MAPFRE Capital Responsable, which seeks to have companies in the portfolio integrate ESG criteria. 

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